Day 3 - Encounter Quiet Time
Begin by finding a quiet place to be alone. Sit comfortably and close your eyes for a few moments. Slowly pray this short prayer to God four or five times:
"Lord God, teach me through your word today."
After just a few moments like this of preparation, open your eyes, open your mind and heart, and open the word to today's scripture reading.
Thoughtfully and slowly read through the assigned chapter. Consider reading it again a 2nd or 3rd time. As you read, feel free to mark your bible according to the following instructions:
UNDERLINE - any verse, sentence or phrase that stands out to you.
ARROW > - Put an arrow in the margin whenever you read something that seems to be aimed right at you.
QUESTION MARK ? - Put a question mark in the margin whenever you read something you don't understand. (Plan to ask someone these questions later).
ASTERISK * - Put a star in the margin anytime you see a promise from God.
K - Put the letter "K" in the margin next to what you think is the KEY verse of the chapter. This would be a verse that stands out to you as being a dominant thought in the chapter.
Something Old - "I already knew that, but it was a good reminder."
Something New - "This is cool. I don't remember reading or thinking about this before."
Something To Do - "What am I going to change or do about what I just read?"
Journal - Write your thoughts about what you just read and what it means for your life. Think through why you underlined or highlighted certain words or verses.
Write a prayer to God. Spend some time being quiet and still before Him. Record anything you feel God is placing on your heart. Ask Him to guide you and show you specific ways you can implement what He has taught you today.
God I praise you because...
Today I thank you for... (something new, something old, or anything else that comes to mind right now).
Lord, I confess that I need your help with (difficult life issues, temptations or sins, challenges from what I have read this morning, questions I have, etc.)...
I ask you to help others who need you... (list some specific people and their needs.)
If you have time left, pray...
Write down in your journal specific people you are praying for.
Congrats, You've Finished Day 3!