At Generations we believe we are called to Serve First. 
Serving others comes straight from the heart of Jesus. 
We welcome you to join one of our Connect Teams to serve others, 
cultivate community, and deepen your relationship with Jesus.


Are you a musician or singer looking to invest your time and talents to serve your Church? Do you love tech and would like to help run the services? Do you love to create and build? Let’s talk. We can’t wait to have you on the team!


We believe Small Groups are the Hub of ministry around Generations. It’s the best place to get connected to others and be connected in your growth with Jesus. There are great ways to serve in small groups and we would love to talk with you about them. 


Imagine if you would have had a loving adult caring for you when you were a teenager? Well, you can be that for a current teen by joining our Youth team. Lead or co-lead a small group, help with set up/tear down, or with registration for Wednesday nights. We can’t wait to talk.


Do you love to make people feel welcome and seen? Do you have a great smile…or decent enough that people aren’t scared to say Hi to you? If yes, you’re in! There are so many ways to use your gifts as we work to connect people to Jesus. 


Would you love to help tell the story of what God is doing at Generations? Love to talk to people online? Great with your camera? Love to film?  Can’t wait to get you plugged in!


One of the most important ways to serve at Generations is in GKids. Kids matter to Jesus and they should matter to us. So, there is a great role ready for you in Gkids! We can’t wait to help you find it.